On Friday, May 18, I appeared on The Conversation, a morning talk show broadcast on KHPR. I had been invited by Chris Vandercook, a musician and the co-host, with Catherine Cruz, of the show.
A few days before, I had sent Mr. Vandercook a copy of Ms. Aligned 2 with a letter suggesting that two of the contributors appear on the show. To my surprise, he invited me to talk about the book and how it came to be.
I mentioned the 2014 writers' conference at which four other women authors and I read the work we'd written about men, and I described the concept of the moral wound that John Gardner originated in his book On Moral Fiction. The #metoo movement, the writing of contributor Cassandra Lane Rich, and future plans for Ms. Aligned also came up in the course of our conversation.
It was exciting to be talking about a project that took us—my co-editors, Connie Pan and Rebecca Thomas, and our contributors—much hard work to realize. We are grateful that The Conversation gave us the chance to share Ms. Aligned with the listeners of Hawai‘i Public Radio.